The Family Under Stress
I cannot overstate that I am learning so much in my Family
Relations class!! The topic of this week’s discussion is, “The Family Under Stress.” A stressor is a
strain on a family or relationship. Most of the time we think of stress as
being negative. Some stresses are challenging they can be physical, mental, or
spiritual, health, unemployment, divorce, school, finances, and family dynamics
the list could go on.
Stress can also be a very positive thing. In class we talked
about the astronauts that spend an extended amount of time on the space
stations. The astronauts are living in without gravity and so they must find
ways to exercise with resistance to keep their muscles and bones strong. I
imagine this would be challenging. In our discussions we learned that when
astronauts finally return to the earth from a space station, their bones are actually
very porous and weak. They actually begin to suffer from osteoporosis.
Additionally their muscles become very weak and they cannot even get themselves
out of the shuttle when they return to the earth. They must be taken out and
placed in wheel chairs by others who are there to assist them because they can
do very little for themselves and cannot walk. How very interesting.
Why does this happen? As we learned in class it is because
there are no stressors on the astronauts bodies while in space. Do you know
that gravity here on earth is a stressor on our bodies? Because we have the
stress of gravity on our bodies it strengthens our bones and muscles.
As we talked about the astronauts and their physical
weakness upon returning to earth, I actually felt grateful to our loving
Heavenly Father. That might seem strange but, I began to have just a small
glimpse at how wise and loving He is. He knows that we need to have stress in
order to be strong.
I began to think about some of the huge stressors that I have had in my life. I grew up under various types of abuses and neglect from my mother and step-mother. I have had my heart broken with two painful divorces. I have lived through the anguish of losing my son just after his birth and losing my father, who was my rock and dearest friend to cancer.
I am grateful for my “negative” stressors, they have helped
me grow and find strength that I didn’t know I had. For example, I genuinely
believe I am a better mother and more gentle with my children because I never
wanted them to feel the pain I had as a child. I am more cautious with
relationships and have had some great discussions with my children as they
consider the dating world and future companions. I have learned that I can
still find joy even when those I love most have left this world. I believe I
have been tempered in many ways.
Sometimes I feel like I am still reeling from those
stressors that could be considered very negative. However, I know that I would
not be the person am I today, had it not been for these painful experiences. Do
I think that Heavenly Father “planned” for me to have such unfair things happen
to me in my life? No, not really. This life is about choices and experiences. I
do believe that he knows his children well enough to know how they will behave
in any circumstance. I am so very grateful for his love for me, I feel it every
day. I am grateful for His trust and confidence in me that I will come out on
the other side a little wiser than before.