Saturday, May 4, 2019

Post #1 Societal Trends and the Family

I am learning so much in my Family Relations class, and it leaves my head swirling much of the time. In this class I would say we work quite a bit on critical thinking. This is not to be understood as negative thinking but more of trying to delve deeper in our understanding of various issues that affect families.

For years I can remember hearing that the world is overpopulated. I can remember as a young person hearing on the news that in “x” amount of years life as we know it would come to an end due to all the resources being used up and there would not be enough food to feed everyone. Essentially we would all die. Of course this would make me feel afraid, but thankfully, I never completely believed it. I remember at some point later coming across a scripture that read, “For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves.”

I am a woman of faith and I realize there may be some who have other beliefs. I share the above scripture because it has been a comfort to me and given me hope. I share my thoughts not to create contention, but as a way of understanding where I come from and what makes me the person I am.
This week in my class, the discussion has focused on Marriage and Family Trends. One of the points of our discussions was a documentary entitled, “Demographic Winter”. In the documentary a book is mentioned entitled, “The Population Bomb” by Paul Erlich. In an interview with Erlich he says that he doesn’t believe population growth is a good thing and that it is bad for the environment. His opinion is that resources will run out and people will starve and the planet will be destroyed. He also says it’s irresponsible to have children, and irresponsible to the grandchildren and future generations. Many people believe in his claims regarding the beginning of the end of our planet and couples began have fewer children.

 Interestingly enough, the opposite of what he predicted has happened. We have many resources. Agriculture has improved and more food in able to be grown in smaller spaces and more people are fed throughout the world today than years ago. The environment is better than it has been for years, I acknowledge there are still problems, but things are improving. There are many people and countries that care deeply about our planet are working hard to protect it.

Sometimes there is confusion understanding the population numbers. These population numbers are rising because people are living longer, not because there has been an explosion of births. For several decades the fertility rate has been falling. There are many countries in the world including the United States, in which families are not having enough children to have an equal replacement value. Some views about child bearing are that is not important or necessary to have children. Some, view families as being more problematic, while others feel it will help financially and conserve resources.
The fact is that throughout the world most women are bearing less than 2 children during their lifetime, and this is of concern. There are a lot of things that will be affected by a decrease in population worldwide, including many types of services.

This can all be very discouraging and confusing for all of us. It may seem that all is lost but, I have hope. We need to focus on our families and love them. One of my class members brought up an important point in class, Adam and Eve were commanded to multiply and replenish the earth. Then there is also the scripture that meant so much to me as a youngster, that there is “enough and to spare” regarding the earth. If it were a possibility that all of the horrible things predicted to happen because of overpopulation we would have been taught otherwise in the scriptures. God knows the very beginning to the very end.  I have borne 7 children, they have brought more joy into my life than I could have ever thought possible. My adult children are very hard workers and help make the world a better place in so many ways.  I am doing my best to raise them into thoughtful, caring, compassionate, and loving people. They have made my world a better place and I know they will go forward and also make the world a better place.

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